A Cartoon to Insult Your Sensitivies and Make Your Mother Scream

Ok, your Mom would probably like it. Unless she is a crackhead or hobo. Hobos definitely get riled up about this cartoon. I showed it to some local gentlemen in a box car on the other side of the tracks, and they threw their pork and beans at me, and chased me half way home! Hobos are fast!

Neurotico Punks Parenting


Flappy Bird’s Aunt Lana

Glad to finally be back with a new cartoon! Working on site for three weeks has delayed its completion. If anyone knows of a super-rich art patron that loves comics done by smelly, fat, middle aged men, let me know. All this work is putting a crimp in my comic creation!P 129 The Flying Squirrel

Crybaby Accosted by Gansta Rappers and other Rabblerousers!

ComicCon itself was rather uneventful this year. Outside the Con, on the streets was another story! Poor crybaby was first assaulted by a hellfire and brimstone lady preacher on a soapbox. He accepted a religious tract, and kept going, thinking he was in the clear. He could not have been more wrong! Half a block later, he was accosted by four gangster rap artists, that started cramming home burned music cd’s into his hands. He usually cries when listening to hip hop, but what the heck, the discs were free promo discs, right? No! They started demanding a twenty dollar “donation” for each disc. Things started to get ugly, but he managed to escape with only two discs, after paying ten bucks tribute money. Shaking and sweating, he managed to make it to his car and get in. Then some urban yoot in hundred dollar jeans, that looked like he had smoke a Texas sized crack rock, started making strange hand signals at him. He thought they meant, “give me some money for bus fare,” or something like that. Unfortunately, he kept signaling faster, and getting angrier. Crybaby did his best Starsky and Hutch imitation, and threw the car into reverse and narrowly escapes certain death! There are no pictures of the incidents, but luckily, Pepe Longstockings, world famous court reporter artist, was present and kindly did this drawing to illustrate the horrors of downtown Dallas…

Rap Attack Court Rendering


Horrifying Ghost Captured On Film!

My friend’s, cousin’s, coworker took a surprise pic of his wife, but the joke was on him! This unretouched photo has a ghost face on the blanket. When he saw it, he had a nervous breakdown, and became a Hare Krishna. It gives me the chills! ghost face censored

Let Loose the Harpies of War!

The lovely employees of Neurotico can’t afford any fancy smancy therapy, so they come up with stuff like this. I asked them to come up with a cartoon about the mean stuff husbands say to their wives, but they just downed a bottle of vodka, huffed some model glue and threw up. It is so hard to find good employees these days!

P125 First Date Harpy

Lecture At Dallas Art Institute Next Week

Ok, saying that I am going to give a “lecture” is kinda a stretch. More like I am going to talk about my artwork, and answer questions while I twitch and forget who I am. Anyway, I found this while putting together my presentation and thought I would share it with you.

Flame Girl Promo1

You Wouldn’t Hit A Mutant With Glasses Would Ya?

I got a wild hair and decided to repair and update this art from nine years ago. Her eyes looked like Quasimodo’s and her breasts looked like someone had sprayed them with silly string. Hence the update! Do you like her better with glasses or without?
